Thursday, August 20, 2009


Sometimes, I wonder when people drift off into their little space,
who is it that they leave in their bodies. Themselves obviously,
but is it a raw version of themselves or a different essence to who
they are completely? Or possibly parts of their persona? Are they
trapped? Can't they drift off as well? Traces to who this person is.
There's a song "Soul meets body" by Death Cab for Cutie, and it
says that -if they silence takes you, than i hope it takes me too..
&& I don't know, maybe when we drift off, we should let everything
else take over, for all we know, that may be who we really are.

But of course no one knows who they really are, and maybe I 'm
wrong, there are those that do. I shall speak for myself and maybe
let this body take over where the soul left off.

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